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Outstanding Services ServicesServices

Specialising in high end businesses that provide niche services with specialist knowledge to their clients and who demand the same service levels from their vendors. Our fully managed and monitored system endpoint solutions not only protect individual computing systems, but they also ensure end to end cyber protection by utilising a state of the art fully managed Security Operating Centre (SOC) to protect your data from zero-day cyber threats. Have a look at just a few of our Business Clients.




SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) offers several key advantages compared to not using one or maintaining an in-house SOC:
  1. Cost-effectiveness: SOCaaS is typically more cost-effective than building and maintaining an in-house SOC, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. It eliminates the need for significant upfront investments in technology, infrastructure, and specialized personnel.
  2. Access to expertise: SOCaaS provides access to highly skilled security experts without the need to hire and retain such talent full-time. This is particularly valuable given the current shortage of cybersecurity professionals.
  3. 24/7 monitoring and response: SOCaaS offers continuous monitoring, detection, and response capabilities, ensuring threats are contained and neutralized quickly. This level of coverage can be challenging and expensive to maintain with an in-house team.
  4. Faster detection and remediation: By leveraging advanced technology, automation, and human expertise, SOCaaS can identify, categorize, prioritize, and remediate security events more quickly than many in-house teams
  5. Scalability and flexibility: SOCaaS solutions can easily scale up or down based on an organization's changing needs, unlike in-house SOCs which have finite resources that are difficult to adjust quickly.
  6. Enhanced maturity: SOCaaS can serve as a "shortcut to maturity," providing access to the latest solutions, processes, and skilled staff. This accelerates the evolution of an organization's security program.
  7. Focus on core business: By outsourcing security operations, businesses can free up time and resources to concentrate on their core operations and strategic initiatives.
  8. Improved compliance: SOCaaS providers often have expertise in industry-specific regulations, making it easier for organizations to maintain compliance with various standards.
  9. Access to advanced tools: SOCaaS providers invest in and maintain cutting-edge security tools and technologies, which may be too expensive or complex for individual organizations to implement on their own
  10. .
  11. Reduced risk of breaches: With continuous monitoring, access to specialized expertise, and faster response times, SOCaaS can significantly lower the risk of successful cyberattacks.

While an in-house SOC offers more control and may be preferable for organizations with very specific security requirements or those in highly regulated industries, SOCaaS provides a compelling alternative for many businesses seeking to enhance their security posture efficiently and cost-effectively.

Well Documented

Nobody really likes paperwork, but if it isn't documented, the job isn't completed. Don't worry, we have techiques that make the paperwork easy.

Simple To Use

All of our Managed Systems are simple to use. No matter if you use us as you MSP or MSSP, we take the technical headaches away. That leaves you doing what counts in your business.

High Performance Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity isn't just about products (although some are required), primarily it's about processes and people first and foremost.

Solutions in the Cloud at Down to Earth Prices

Outstanding Features FeaturesFeatures

Managing your IT isn't all that we do!

Business Growth

By working with your dedicated virtual CIO we can help guide your technology at a board level and manage it at the workface.

Business Sustainability

We can work with you to reduce adverse environmental and social impacts resulting from business operations.

Business Performance

By reducing bottlenecks in your organisations technical systems, everything operates more quickly. Faster computer systems improve efficiency.

Business Organization

It' your business organisation, but ideas from other industry leaders can have a significant impact on your IT and Cybersecurity.

Dedicated Teams

You will always have the same point of contact, you will always work with the same team. This makes life simpler for everyone as there are no miss-communications.

24X7 support

24X7 Support is available on our contracts, it is always your choice to select Business Hours or 24X7. Eitehr way, you are well looked after by the team.

We work in partnership with all the major technology solutions

We are Vendor Agnostic, so that you can have the best solution for you, at the best price for you.